Presented at the 18º CONGRESSO PORTUGUÊS DO AVC: Revealing Results from the HARMONICS Project on Quality of Care and Post-Stroke Patient Outcomes

We are pleased to announce that a presentation has been made at the prestigious 18th Congresso Português do AVC, using data collected by HARMONICS from all participating hospitals. The title of the paper is «Impact of assistential quality on patient reported outcomes post-stroke».

The results presented reveal that the perceived quality of hospital and post-hospitalisation care reported through PREMs improves functional outcomes and well-being, reported by patients via PROMs. These findings highlight a new target for organisational improvement with the potential to change current practices.

We are excited to share these significant results, which underscore the importance of quality of care in the recovery and wellbeing of post-stroke patients. We will continue to work hard to continuously improve the quality of care and outcomes for all patients affected by stroke.

Thank you to all participating hospitals and the HARMONICS team for making this important breakthrough in CVA research possible!